what people are saying




measurable improvement









partnership • perspective • self-compassion • measurable improvement • outcomes • growth • empowering • self-awareness • invaluable • wellbeing • innovation • impact •

“ My regular work with O₂ Consulting sustains my clinical mental health practice. This partnership has made me a better clinician. I’ve gained curiosity, the ability to hold multiple perspectives, and I’ve honed my critical thinking skills. I am also very grateful for the unexpected gift of maintaining a non-judgmental stance in both my professional and personal life.”

— TG, Clinician

Stacey’s commitment to empowering others through secondary traumatic stress work and reflective practice is beyond admirable! Every interaction I have with Stacey begins another journey of self-awareness, well-being, and growth in so many aspects of life. Her knowledge is absolutely invaluable.

BS, Team Manager - Child Adovocacy

“Stacey has immeasurably strengthened my clinical practice, my supervisory skills, and my management approach. Her incredibly patient and accepting support allowed me to explore hard topics that were impacting my work, but that I had not felt comfortable to explore with other supervisors. Reflective Consultation has helped develop a source of self-compassion that significantly improves my outcomes both as a clinician, and as a clinical supervisor.”

— ER, clinician

“Dr. Leakey was invaluable to forging local and state collaboratives necessary to fund, develop, and lead Oklahoma’s first Infant Mental Health Court Program. Her IMH knowledge and training leadership translated into measurable improvements in the lives of the infants and toddlers we served. Most importantly, Dr. Leakey’s Reflective Consultation with the team members and community partners promoted their well-being, reducing the empathic strain that so often impacts professionals working in the child welfare arena.

— DF, presiding Juvenile Court Judge (ret)

I have worked with Stacey for more than 18 years, and have learned so much from watching her way of being with people and her understanding of the struggles that individuals, organizations, and systems experience while trying to change and grow. As Executive leader of a local non-profit, I valued her insightful and tenacious partnership as we worked to accomplish our mission while caring for staff and client wellbeing. She guided the integration of reflective training and consultation into our clinical and administrative functions, enhancing our agency’s reputation for excellence and results. She built strategic bridges at the local, state, and national levels that continue to facilitate partnerships and collaborations for good. Stacey sees potential and helped our agency create opportunities for innovation, new funding, and greater impact.

DD, Non-profit Executive